They love Justori

Writers often ask themselves if they’re storytellers as well, if their narratives are really catchy. Justori provides them an infallible acid test: listeners who have no reason to be complacent.


Quatre Bornes, Mauritius

With Justori, not only can I receive instant feedback and encouragement for my stories, I enjoy experiencing the creativity of others' unique stories. Justori taps into our intellect and creativity to bring international strangers together celebrating art, culture, and diversity.

Lolita Gentry Prj

Honolulu, USA

Justori provides a platform to heard voice. Telling a tale or reciting a poem creates an intimacy that reaches the heart and conveys more deeply the content of the material and leaves a lasting impression.


Rishikesh, India

Justori is a great and unique app to bridge communities around the world. Looking forward to hearing stories in Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Urdu.


London, United Kingdom

Today, when people don't want to read, and humanity is suffering from rabid individualism and extreme loneliness, Justori is a powerful audio platform that helps them from gathering knowledge all the way to expressing their innermost feelings. What's more, they can laugh too, at home or while driving the car. Justori is absolutely new oxygen. Godsend!

Partha NYC

New York, USA

I like listening to different voices. Justori allows me to immerse myself in different worlds and enrich my horizons. I'll be tempted to say: A story a day keeps the doctor away


Nantes, France

Justori, what a pleasure to dive into the world of stories and settings, shared with such passion. Voices of all age take us around the world in a time-jacket for absolute discoveries.


Anger, France

Justori is an awesome project! I like the idea of being able to record stories and anecdotes in a simple way to share them publicly with the world.


Quito, Ecuador