Unbundling of Banking by A Bushman Banker | Hiren Singha Roy

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A philanthropist, an author but foremost a former international banker with a career spanning over 35 years across continents, talks about devolution of banking practices from being the driver of development to instrument of destruction of society.

  • 09 Apr 2023
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Ghetto Classics | Pratik Ghosh

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An extraordinary journey from absolute despair to realising impossible dreams. Ghetto Classics is taking over 500 children in Korogocho, Kenya’s biggest slum, through the discipline of studying music to learn life skills, and earn livelihood.

  • 19 Mar 2023
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A Reality Check of Africa | Amedee Darga

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A reality check of development, growth and hindrances to take sub-Saharan Africa to sustainable prosperity.

  • 18 Jun 2022
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The Mountain Trekker | Harry Naghen

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Mountains still urge him at the age of 81 to conquer them. Harry Naghen talks about planning, preparation, challanges and fun about mountain trekking.

  • 13 Jun 2022
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Future of Journalism in Mauritius | Gilbert Ahnee

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Eminent journalist Gilbert Ahnee speaks on the evolution and the direction of journalism in Mauritius.

  • 23 May 2022
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An Indian's take of Sports in Africa | JusTalk

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Against all adversities sports in Africa thrives. Not just popular sports like football or sports that Africans have genetic and geographic advantages but in general. Here is a perspective from an India who had a closer look for close to 30 years.

  • 12 Oct 2021
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9/11 20 years on | Partha Banerjee

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Most of us over the age of 50 today know exactly what they were doing twenty years ago - 9am EST 9/11 2001. Dr. Partha Banerjee talks about unfolding of the day in front of him in New York City. Why is the US hated? Has anything changed? What’s next?

  • 10 Sep 2021
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A Chat with a Soldier Educationist | Zameer Uddin Shah

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Life and challenges of a Muslim in India from a three star general of the Indian Army who led the army to appease the rioters in Gujarat, became the Vice Chancellor of one of the top universities of India and authored the book Sarkari Mussalman.

  • 20 Aug 2021
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The Wanderer and the Last Poem | Suvra Chakraborty

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A computer scientist turned global entrepreneur and UN consultant is bringing the national poet of India, Tagore, back to the world through his memorabilia scattered abroad. The Last Poem is his first film production for cultural collaboration.

  • 05 Jul 2021
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Should Modi Resign? | First Voice

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As India faces one of its worst crisis since independence should the Prime Minister take responsibility and resign? Would that solve the problem? Let us hear what you have got to say.

  • 18 May 2021
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সাধারণ মানুষ অসাধারণ কাহিনী ০১ |

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আমেরিকার স্বপ্নালু হাতছানি কি কখনো নিশির ডাকে পরিণত হতে পারে? ভাগ্যান্বেষী যোশিতার প্রথম আমেরিকা যাত্রার এক রোমহর্ষক গল্প।

  • 10 May 2021
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A Book Lover’s Tale |

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From Chicago, Ranjita Chattopadhay the honorary editor of Batayan - the international Bengali web magazine published from Perth, Australia, talks about joys and woes of its publication.

  • 09 May 2021
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Fingers can See |

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A pioneering work of an Indian professor under the aegis of the National Council of Educational Research and Training of India to make text book maps of history and geography readable to visually impaired children.

  • 07 Mar 2021
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The World of a Polyglot | Somashankar Bhattacharya

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Everybody has the knack to learn any language. A speaker of several Indic and European languages reveal the secrets of learning and the charms of being fluent in many languages.

  • 24 Oct 2020
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From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe | Graham Young

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Memories of a privileged white boy born in Rhodesia returns back to Zimbabwe with a changed perspective after spending 20 years in Mauritius.

  • 23 Oct 2020
  • 36
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